Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jared's 7th Birthday

Here is a HUGE slide show of Jared's 7th birthday. We started our celebration on Sunday, the day before his birthday with lunch at Quaker Steak & Lube with the fam. Then we met up with Jared's friends and our neighbors for a "kid" party. The kids played velcro ball, on the swing set, in the sand box, chalked, bowling, and bubble fun. After the kids left, we got pizza for the fam.
On Monday, Jared's "real" birthday, he went to swim lessons in the morning and dinner with Grammy & Poppy. He even got to go to the park with Poppy for a golf lesson (Jared got a driver for his birthday.)
Thank you to everyone who sent cards, presents, texts, emails and overall birthday wishes for Jared. He said that he LOVES being 7 and that it was his best birthday ever! :)
Enjoy the slide show-click on a picture to go directly to the photo album! :)


  1. Happy Birthday Jared!!!!!
    Mom to Dakota 12-25-2008
    RCDH survivor

  2. looks like a lovely day Happy (belated) birthday Jared
    Hayley xx
