Saturday, March 13, 2010

Busy Boy!

Jared's been SUPER busy lately! He's still ice skating, taking swim lessons and recently, we've added cooking classes (at the YMCA, of course.) He's super cute, wanting to make what he made in class for us. He's also been trying to help us more in the kitchen. He likes it and is learning how to be safe in the kitchen, so why not?!?

He, like Jaime, has had the pleasure of playing outside in the warm temps! He can't WAIT for SUMMER! (Me, either!) Today, it was a cool, rainy day, but it was also his school carnival, so we had a fun "inside" day. We went to the carnival, he won lots of prizes, we had lunch there ($3 for main food item, cookie, chips, and pop, can't beat that!) Then, we had some popcorn ($.25) and went off to Jared's ice skating lesson! Now, his teacher is VERY strict and trying to teach Jared to slow down, he's so fast! Anyway, she was trying to teach him how to go slow backwards...and, well...see for yourself, here's a video...Tom and I were dying! LOL! Poor kid just wants to zoom around that rink, spinning, going backwards, but no....his teacher won't have it! LOL!

Also, here's a slide show of Jared from things he's done over the last 2 weeks. I have some of him in his cooking class, as well as cooking at home. Tomorrow we are going to bake homemade "Shamrock pretzels," he learned how to make them in class on Friday. Can't wait! We were going to bake them today, but we went to the library, checked out Toy Story 2, and got wrapped up in that! But, BEFORE that, we noticed that Jerry's Dari Pride's opening day was today! Soooo, we opted for ice cream with "crunch coat" instead of pretzels tonight! (We ALWAYS go on opening and closing day!) Going there almost makes Spring official! :) We "heart" Jerry's Dari Pride! Enjoy the pics!