Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Jared playing with his Bakugans after swim lessons today.

I am pleased to announce that Jared passed his polliwog swim class tonight! He will start as a "guppy" in January! We are so proud of Jared. Those swimming lessons are a lot of hard work for Jared, especially since his back and shoulder muscles aren't strong. Swimming is a GREAT activity for Jared as it serves a dual strengthens his back and shoulders and it's safe, "hemophilia approved" exercise!
Jaime's therapist looked at Jared's back, and she said for him not having the connective muscle to his scapulas, she felt that he has compensated rather well. She couldn't believe that he can swim the way he does. Of course, any time she's here when Jared comes home, she grabs him and makes him do stuff for her! HA! Can't wait for her to come when he's on break...PT times 2!

Jared's looking forward to Santa's arrival, Christmas can't come soon enough for him! I'm excited that both Tom and Jared will be home. Jared and I can do things together. I will be able to take Jared ice skating again! I missed doing it last year. Colleen and I took the kids ice skating last year, but being pregnant I was side lined. Not this year, though. I'm going to take Jared to Wade Oval to skate on "real" ice outside! Photos to come for sure.....

I'm off to bed!
Enjoy the rest of your week!

1 comment:

  1. Did Jared have a Christmas list with 40 items listed? Noah did! He is also probably going to sing "all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth - he lost another tonight...

    Ah - boys! Great job on his swim test - and he just reminds me so much of Noah - his interests and likes!

    Thanks for sharing such an amazing boy!
