Saturday, November 21, 2009

My First Blog

Jared asked me to create a blog just about him, so here it is! Jared will be the one telling me what to put on it, today, he asked me to put pictures of helicopters on it, so, that's what we're doing!

Jared is sick again, he was throwing up all night. Needless to say, I have LOTS of laundry to do...along with my Cloroxing the house and keeping the boys away from each other!

Thanks for checking in on Jared, please check back soon for more posts!



  1. Hey Jared, can I follow your blog. I follow Jaime's and love reading about all your antics too. You are one amazingly tough little guy who I can tell loves his little brother lots. You also can really do some major Lego building!

    Jean Ashner

  2. Hi Jared! I love the blog and the pictures. Carter says he likes it and can't wait to see what you put on here. Carter also says that Jaime is one lucky little boy to have a great big brother like you :)

  3. Hi Jared,
    I am so sorry that you have been sick this weekend. I hope that you are feeling better soon! I like how you wanted to play with Jaime even though you had to wear a mask. You seem to be an AWESOME big brother!

  4. Hey Jared! This blog is super cool. I love the helicopter pictures. They are great. Is it ok if i follow you? Keep being a great big brother to Jaime and i'll talk to you later.
