Saturday, February 27, 2010


Jared was sooooo excited (as was Tom), that he had a snow day on Friday. We got the back end of the Winter Storm that hit the Northeast Coast. It swirled around and came back to us off of Lake Erie. We were expected to get up to 10 inches of one point they even canceled the Winter storm you'll see from the pictures, we got WAY MORE than 10 inches of snow. Not to mention that as I'm typing it's still a blizzard out there! Crazy!
Anyway, I had to keep Jared occupied somehow since school and the YMCA were closed. We had Cousin Connor sleep over on Friday night. The boys had a lot of fun together. By mid afternoon and after Connor left, Jared "bored" again. I didn't really want him to play outside, mostly because of the windchill, so I told him we could bring some snow inside. He thought that was the coolest thing. The last time I did that he was about 3. Once the snow melted, he and I made edible play-dough to play with. He thought it was super fun and liked eating it, too! He wanted more, but we needed more ingredients. That prompted a quick trip to the grocery store! This is the first time I've been to Giant Eagle in literally MONTHS! Jared went to the Eagle's Nest while I shopped. I found a textured ball for Jaime when I was there, so once we were home, the boys had a fun time playing with it. It was a nice couple of days in-spite of the weather!
Hope everyone is safe and warm! Enjoy Jared's slide show and don't forget to check out "Jaime's World" to see what he's been up to!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun with your cousin and the snow! Love the shirt!!
